
Domain, hosting, server - the basis for setting up a website

An Internet domain is the exact address of a website, after which anyone can find it. Enlargement, on the other hand, determines the nature of the party or its country of origin. Hosting is a virtual space with specific parameters. There is shared hosting, VPS and dedicated hosting. A server is a physical computer on which multimedia files and the operating system are placed.

Domain - what is it?

The Internet domain is located in the address bar of your browser. It allows you to find a particular website on the web. This is a fundamental feature of any website. After buying the original name, nobody else will be able to register for it. A domain address can consist of numbers, letters, minus and underscore (floor). Special characters are prohibited. For several years it has been possible to enter Polish characters in the domain name. However, marketing specialists advise against this treatment because it does not look professional. In addition, it will make it more difficult for foreign visitors to enter this website. The extension (tip) of the domain determines the character of the site or the place of origin. For Polish citizens there is a .pl ending (for Frenchmen etc.). If your website is worldwide, you should choose the .com extension. In addition, specialized tips such as .org (which are assigned to an organization) or .edu (for educational activities) are used.

What is hosting?

Web hosting is a virtual space, which is separated into a physical server. If it does not work properly, the website will not work either. Each hosting has specific parameters such as:

  • the capacity of the hard drive,
  • degree of server room load,
  • type of hosting services,
  • the maximum amount of data to be transmitted.

There are three main types of hosting on the internet market:

  • shared - the customer has a separate disk space with low power and low flexibility,
  • VPS (Virtual Private Server) - greater computing power and full independence from other users,
  • dedicated - addressed to large companies that care about the highest parameters.

Server - what is it?

The server is a computer with a permanent connection to the Internet. Used to maintain the operating system, multimedia files and database. Websites are also published on this service. Usually each server is specialized for specific tasks, e.g. e-mail, backup or web page display. These machines are equipped with powerful hard drives (usually SAS) and the highest possible RAM capacity. Each server must also have an emergency power supply, because when it stops working, the whole site will collapse. An increasingly popular service is the so-called cloud server, in which all files, including the operating system, are located in virtual disk space.

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